Showing 51 - 75 of 354 Results
Georg Foster's Smmtliche Schriften, Volume 2 (German Edition) by Forster, Johann Reinhold, G... ISBN: 9781142022440 List Price: $37.75
Georg Forster's Smtliche Schriften: Bd. Briefwechsel (German Edition) by Forster, Johann Reinhold, G... ISBN: 9781142540586 List Price: $32.75
Georg Forster's Smmtliche Schriften: Bd. Johann Georg Forster / Von G.G. Gervinus. Briefwech... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, G... ISBN: 9781141911875 List Price: $35.75
Lichtstrahlen Aus Seinen Briefen an Reinhold Forster: Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Lichtenberg... by Forster, Georg, Maier, Elisa ISBN: 9781144259561 List Price: $28.75
Flora Americ Septentrionalis; Or a Catalogue of the Plants of North America. Containing an E... by Forster, Johann Reinhold ISBN: 9781141689088 List Price: $17.75
An Inaugural Lecture On the Utility of Anglo-Saxon Literature: To Which Is Added the Geograp... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, I... ISBN: 9781143087769 List Price: $19.75
Georg Forster's Smmtliche Schriften: -6. Bd. Kleine Schriften (German Edition) by Forster, Johann Reinhold, G... ISBN: 9781144946577 List Price: $34.75
Georg Forster's Smmtliche Schriften: Bd. Ansichten Vom Niederrhein, Von Brabant, Flandern, H... by Forster, Johann Reinhold, G... ISBN: 9781142435592 List Price: $40.75
A Catalogue of the Animals of North America; Containing, an Enumeration of the Known Quadrup... by Forster, Johann Reinhold ISBN: 9781153233002 List Price: $20.00
Lichtstrahlen Aus Seinen Briefen an Reinhold Forster: Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi, Lichtenberg... by Forster, Georg, Maier, Elisa ISBN: 9781145033115 List Price: $29.75
Travels Through that Part of North America Formerly Called Louisiana, Volume I by Bossu, M., Löfling, Per, Fo... ISBN: 9781115174428 List Price: $34.75
Travels Through that Part of North America Formerly Called Louisiana, Volume I by Bossu, M., Löfling, Per, Fo... ISBN: 9781115174466 List Price: $41.99
Travels Through that Part of North America Formerly Called Louisiana, Volume I by Bossu, M., Löfling, Per, Fo... ISBN: 9781115174442 List Price: $34.99
Forster's Catalogue of the Animals of North America, Or Faunula Americana by Forster, Johann Reinhold, W... ISBN: 9781146990271 List Price: $17.75
Histoire Des Dcouvertes Et Des Voyages Faits Dans Le Nord, Volume 2 (French Edition) by Forster, Johann Reinhold ISBN: 9781147519693 List Price: $35.75
Liber Singularis De Bysso Antiquorum: Quo, Ex Aegyptia Lingua, Res Vestiaria Antiquorum, Imp... by Forster, Johann Reinhold ISBN: 9781147338812 List Price: $21.75
Georg Foster's Smmtliche Schriften (German Edition) by Forster, Johann Reinhold, G... ISBN: 9781147362824 List Price: $39.75
Travels Through That Part of North America Formerly Called Louisiana, Volume 2 by Forster, Johann Reinhold, B... ISBN: 9781148154411 List Price: $35.75
Georg Foster's Smmtliche Schriften (German Edition) by Forster, Johann Reinhold, G... ISBN: 9781146596268 List Price: $34.75
History of the Voyages and Discoveries Made in the North by Forster, Johann Reinhold ISBN: 9781146272575 List Price: $40.75
Beobachtungen Und Wahrheiten Nebst Einigen Lehrsatzen, Die Einen Hohen Grad Von Wahrscheinli... by Forster, Johann Reinhold ISBN: 9781165891597 List Price: $15.16
Selected Works by Eighteenth Century Naturalists and Travelers by Bartram, John, Forster, Joh... ISBN: 9780405057625 List Price: $21.95
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